I've decided that little girls are a joy to be around. They send me back to my own childhood of make believe and daydreams. These two particular little girls are beautiful and I had so much fun taking their pictures and listening to their silliness. Enjoy my favorite shots...
This little man is precious, very precious. I was blessed to be given the opportunity to capture his little personality. His mother, Shawn, just adores him and is thankful that God has given him to her. She is a wonderful mother to her two children. I'll be posting pictures of her daughter soon but I wanted to devote a post just to Ethan. I hope you enjoy this little guy...
Pregnancy is such a testimony to God's greatness! He created women to be able to hold a living being in their womb for nine months. The changes that take place in that relatively short time are a miracle that only God could perform. What a honor it must be to have God forming a child within your own belly. It is such a beautiful thing that I hope to experience one day. I've had the pure pleasure of photographing three pregnant women who are very dear to me. They truly are glowing in these pictures! I hope that God will continue to use me to capture his beautiful creation.