02 March 2011

Rizzy Rugh

I'd like to introduce everyone (a little late) to my sweet, sweet niece: Miss Rachel Elizabeth Rugh. We call her Rizzy. She melts my heart!

The morning she was born Jonathan and I jumped in the car and drove to Austin. The 5.5 hours seemed SO long when we found out she was in this world waiting to be meet her aunt and uncle :). I got a few shots of her on those first 2 days of her life. A week later I came back to Austin for a good week and got many more precious pictures.

Another thing I treasure about these pictures is seeing how sweetly John and Laura love on their little girl. It was a treat watching how naturally they have fallen into being parents. It's wonderful seeing this whole new side of my brother. I wish I were also a videographer so I could have captured him talking to Rizzy and reading her stories.

Also, do you notice a new "theme" running through all of these pictures? I finally finished my logo! What do you think? Soon (as in a few days hopefully) it will also be on my NEW website. This has all been slow in coming so I'm very excited to finally be using my new logo and updating my website.


Aim said...

Love these and this sweet fam!!

Leslie Meyer said...

LOVE the pictures! LOVE the logo! Great job Lauren!

Jess, Ryan, and Melody said...

Great pics of little Rizzy!

Mary Scott said...

Rizzy is beautiful!! Great pics and love logo.